How to unstake from the stability pool?
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Understand that withdrawing from the stability pool gauge to fxUSD & USDC is a two-step process. You first need to unstake from the $FXN gauge, then withdraw this stability pool token for USDC and fxUSD. There is a redemption period (see Risk parameters) from the stability pool to prevent unhealthy arbitrage operations.
Head over to the “Earn” page.
Connect your wallet using the upper right “Connect Wallet” button.
Look for the “fxUSD Stability Pool Gauge” strategy.
If not already, expand the strategy by clicking the down arrow button on the right of the box
Hit the “Withdraw” button to see a withdraw popup.
If all your tokens are staked in the FXN gauge:
Type the desired amount to be withdrawn.
Click the “Approve & Unstake & Withdraw” button (if already approved, it will be a simple “Unstake & Withdraw” button”)
Confirm the transactions in your wallet.
Wait for the redemption period to be completed. You can track the remaining time on the Earn page.
Follow the instructions below to withdraw your Stability Pool tokens to fxUSD and USDC.
If you have some unstaked stability pool tokens:
Click on the FXN Gauge dropdown menu and select “fxUSD Stability Pool”
Type the desired amount to be withdrawn.
Click the “Approve & Withdraw” button (if already approved, it will be a simple “Withdraw” button”)
Confirm the transactions in your wallet.